Friday, April 11, 2008

And the truth shall set you free. . .

I have recently realized a truth about my mom. She's an addict. I believe her addiction started with crystal meth and has since traveled down other avenues. I'm starting this blog as tool for myself. I want to be able to have a record of happenings associated with my mom's addiction and as an outlet for my feelings. I also have hopes that this will be a comfort to those who are dealing with this issue as well.

I feel like all the Oprah shows on drug addiction are about the parents whose children have the disease. I want to be a voice for the children whose parents are the infected. What happens when you've gone your whole life with a loving mother as your best friend and then at age 18 your parents get divorced and your mom becomes a drug addict?

A history and current events to come. . .

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