Friday, July 18, 2008

Another Ride. . .

. . . on the roller coaster please. Mom didn't have an attorney in court today. When you violate your probation I guess you forgo your right to a court appointed attorney. The judge told her to get an attorney and her hearing was rescheduled for next Friday. So we have to wait another week to find out what will happen.

Papa also said that she has another drug test on Tuesday. He's says it will be best if she tests positive again so she can't go in and say, "Look, I just tested negative for drugs on Tuesday." He says the best possible scenario is that she goes to jail for a couple weeks then he will talk to the judge and try to get her sentence changed to spend the rest of her time in rehab.

Another week of waiting and wondering and dreading and thinking too much. . . oh boy, how fun.


Anonymous said...

I feel nothing. :(

Anonymous said...

Oh, that was me.

-Sis L