Friday, August 1, 2008

Confessions by Email

This is an email my grandpa sent to my mom about a week ago:

I lost Bobby Gott today a friend since we were twelve tears old. I was with him at his last lucid moment. It just points out how short life is. Also Al Jenkins is in critical condition and today begged me to get the doctors to do something or let him die. A very depressing day.Mom the girls and me miss you and I pray that very soon you will realize how much we love you and that we need to be together. Why not call the girls tomorrow. I love you, Dad

This is my mom's response I referenced in my last post:

I love you too Dad, and I miss you and I can't even begin to tell you how I miss the girls and my grandson. I'm trying and doing the best I can. I wish it were so easy as to just WANT to be together with your family, I do WANT to be together with my family, I just don't know where to start. I'm not perfect, far from it and I am to old to do things they way you or anyone else wants me too. I am stubborn and spoiled, so I am going to handle my problems the best way I know how, not the best way my family thinks I should. Like I said stubborn and spoiled, but there are many like that in this family, they may not think so because it is hard to admit things like that to yourself, everyone thinks they would never do such and such or act such and such way. Hell if you'd told me 5 years ago I'd be dealing with the issues I have over the last 4 years I would have told you, you were nuts! If everyone would, as the say, walk a mile in someone's shoes maybe we'd all have more compassion and less judgment. I'm open for suggestions if you the girls are open to a phone call, by all means I'll call. I didn't think they wanted to see or talk to me unless it was on their terms, last terms that were proposed to me were a "group" what I call confrontation. I'm not up to that mentally or emotionally. I can't handle the criticism of something none of you know nothing about, it's not your fault, you just want to fix things that I have to fix on my own. I hope some of this makes sense and doesn't appear grandiose, I do not mean it to. I love you!

It makes my stomach churn to read her response. Am I being overly dramatic or is it clear to everyone else that she is deeply addicted and sacrificing all to stay that way?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't comprehend how strong something must be to dilute the love a mother has for their child.

-sister L